Richard was born in Long Island, New York, in 1941. He has lived the North, the South and on both coasts of the United States and for many years in Canada. Living in this variety of regions has contributed to the range of his subjects. Richard’s art is devoted to celebrating the beauty and complexity of plants and animals. Trees are his favorite subject. Painting with knives instead of brushes enables him to use thick applications of paint, sculpted to depict his subjects with an extraordinary appearance of depth.
Richard’s studio, in Washington DC, contains a library of trail guides from more than half a dozen countries, scores of national parks, and wilderness conservation areas, as well as plant identification books and scientific botany texts. In his words, “For me, a successful painting of nature is one that captures the unique character of each plant or animal. To do that, I believe it’s important to observe the subject in the wild, and also to understand their context in the ecology and natural history of their habitat.”