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Mount Tabor Oaks in Flower oil painting by Richard Tiberius (1).webp


Enjoy over 100 paintings by Richard Tiberious in two artbooks. Each book features full-page images as well as enlargements of portions of the paintings which reveal Richard's knife technique. These books share more than the gorgeous artwork, though. Included are thoughts by the artist on the intention and experience of painting wild nature in oils by use of palette knives and information about each of the subjects.


Richard celebrates each subject for what it has become through its long evolution, not for what we make of it or what we get from it. These features of context and form tell a story of the place of each plant in the world, which scientists call "the natural history of the species."

Hardback art book - Portraits of the Natural World Volume I by oil painter Richard Tiberiu
Portraits of the Natural World
Volume I

150 pages

66 large format images

13" x 11" (33 cm x 28 cm)
Originally Published in March, 2012

Hardcover with Dust Jacket - $143.29

The book  has a linen cover with full-color dust jacket and flaps

Hardcover with Imagewrap - $145.29

The full-color image is printed on the linen cover.

PDF - $9.99

Viewable on any device

Art Book - Portraits of the Natural World Volume II by Richard Tiberius.jpg
Portraits of the Natural World
Volume II

128 pages

54 large format images

13" x 11" (33 cm x 28 cm)
Published May, 2015​

Currently not available for purchase

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